We have been supplying reproductions from our jacket archives since the mid 1990s to a very few customers and fellow dealers. The copies have been put to use predominantly to preserve and enhance the shelf-appeal of jacketless books, but also as a means of reference to facilitate identification or restoration.
Many of the authors whose jackets we offer are mostly forgotten outside of the collecting community. The majority of dust jackets from before the 1950s were routinely discarded immediately after purchase, and many more were lost to the paper drives of the wars. For this reason we think it is especially important that sites such as this maintain archives.
For many years we supplied images to 'The Book and Magazine Collector' which, until its sad demise, was the pre-eminent monthly journal for the collector. We also assisted with illustrations for the late Peter Haining's 'The Classic Era of Crime Fiction' (Prion, 2002), and were delighted to help Hamish Hamilton when they chose to use original first edition jacket art for the reissue of five classic Raymond Chandler titles in 2009.